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Nintendo Direct Predictions Youtube

Nintendo Direct Predictions: June 2024 Edition

What to Expect from Nintendo's Next Showcase

Nintendo Directs are one of the most anticipated events in the gaming calendar. They're a chance for Nintendo to showcase their upcoming games and hardware, and to give fans a glimpse into the future of the company. The next Nintendo Direct is rumored to be happening in June 2024, and there are already a lot of predictions about what we might see.

One of the most popular predictions is that we'll finally see the announcement of the Nintendo Switch Pro. This is a rumored upgraded version of the Nintendo Switch that has been in the news for months. It's said to feature a more powerful processor, more RAM, and a larger screen. It's also rumored to be backwards compatible with the existing Nintendo Switch library.

Another popular prediction is that we'll see new games in the Zelda, Mario, and Metroid franchises. Zelda: Breath of the Wild 2 was announced in 2019, but we haven't seen much of it since then. Many fans are hoping that we'll get a new trailer and release date for the game at the June 2024 Nintendo Direct.

Mario is another popular franchise that's likely to get some attention at the next Nintendo Direct. We could see a new trailer for Super Mario Odyssey 2, or we could even get an announcement for a new 3D Mario game. Metroid is another franchise that's due for a new game. The last Metroid game was Metroid: Samus Returns, which was released in 2017. Many fans are hoping that we'll see a new Metroid game announced at the next Nintendo Direct.

Of course, these are just a few of the predictions that are circulating about the June 2024 Nintendo Direct. We won't know for sure what we'll see until the event actually happens. But one thing is for sure: it's going to be a big day for Nintendo fans.

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